Channel: C1 CMS Foundation - Open Source on .NET
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New Post: DateFormatting, date is taken from MS SQL

I'm sorry, I probably could not properly explain what is required due to problems with my English. I'll try again. The problem is not that the date format displays a message, not as I should, but the...

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New Post: DateFormatting, date is taken from MS SQL

@Dinariys The problem is likely that you are looping through the individual <Table /> elements, but when you print the <ReplDateGood /> element value, you use a full XPATH (@napernik...

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New Post: Roadmap of next major release?

You can call it a "refine" since we are mostly changing styling, icons and colors. Moving a few things to new places. Overall the C1 Console will look less like Microsoft Office 2007 and more like...

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New Post: Roadmap of next major release?

Thanks for the quick response. I've seen this http://www.composite.net/Add-on-Market/Packages/Composite.Tools.SqlServerDataProvider. But I thought it's a MS SQL Server DataProvider. Does it support...

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New Post: Roadmap of next major release?

MySql DataProvider Sorry, too early morning for me. True, we do not have a MySQL provider. Also, we're not planning on creating one anytime soon, so someone in the community should probably step up...

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New Post: Roadmap of next major release?

yeah I know we can drog & drop into content, but we also want it in media. Any chance of a full functional entity framework data provider since there isn't a plan for mysql data provider? I'm...

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New Post: DateFormatting, date is taken from MS SQL

This option is tried, there is an error "Error when calling the extension function "Format". Detailed description of the error, see. In InnerException. - The string "" is not valid...

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New Post: DateFormatting, date is taken from MS SQL

Dinariys wrote: This option is tried, there is an error "Error when calling the extension function "Format". Detailed description of the error, see. In InnerException. - The string "" is not valid...

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New Post: DateFormatting, date is taken from MS SQL

Some of the input data is missing "ReplDateGood" child element, that's why you're seeing this exception. Thank you very much for this and I do not think even funny. Not correctly understood before...

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New Post: Composite C1 Performance with XML DataStore

Thanks @mawtex for sharing your experience with large XML file. I think the best practice is to build C1 site with Sql Data Provider from beginning if there's a scenario for site to grow large by time....

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New Post: Composite C1 Performance with XML DataStore

While performance is generally very good with XML files, also with big files, i would mostly worry about frequent writes to huge files - that has a high chance of data corruption and just simply wears...

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New Post: EU cookie directive

Is there a configureable plugin /extension for meeting the EU-cookie directive (eg http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/article-29/documentation/opinion-recommendation/files/2011/wp188_en.pdf)...

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New Post: Missing Icons

We are using Composite C1 in a Webapplication Project that is shared via TFS, which always proves difficult. Currently I have the following problem: After my co-worker updated manually to 4.2 and...

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New Post: Composite C1 Performance with XML DataStore

The're also some magic numbers to how many rows there could be until there're memory issues. If there are >= 10625 rows for 64bit processes or >= 21250 rows for 32bit processes, the IIS worker...

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New Post: Missing Icons

I found the solution, there was a missing reference to the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib. Because the icons are packed in a zip archive initially, Composite was unable to extract them and put the in the...

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Commented Issue: Unable to use Cassette with C1 console [1764]

I've been trying to install Cassette for bundling style and script bundles. Installing it from NuGet works fine and everything works as expected on the frontend. When opening the console, however,...

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New Post: Edit From Markup - Data Type Filtering

Sounds like a cascading drop-down scenario if I'm getting this right. does this help?http://docs.composite.net/Console/CreatingFormControls/Creating-a-Complex-Form-Control

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New Post: Edit From Markup - Data Type Filtering

Hi Elencala, Yes this will do the trick. I didn't realise this was possible until you sent me the link. This will be very helpful with many projects. Thanks very much. Kind Regards David

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New Post: Edit From Markup - Data Type Filtering

It took me a while to find out too. Glad it helps. Elvin

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New Post: FormDefinition Child Elements

Is it possible to edit the form definition file for a datatype so that when you are editing an item you can see all of the child items relating to it? i.e I have a Project datatype that has a n number...

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