I guess there are a few problems and by all means one is user error but at the same time I've found the following:
1) Most users expect that when they press "Enter" multiple times the spaces they see in the editor translate to new lines in the html -- so when they're done editing and preview they are confused when all the blank spaces are removed
2) Add a link -- then select btn primary & then btn large -- then select "none". Notice that btn-lg is still being applied to the element. There is no way to remove it. This scenario tends to happen a few times with other html elements.
3) Sometimes after setting up the page with an H1 + "Enter" + Function. When you come back to edit it later the "space" has been stripped so it's all on the same line.
4) Related to the above -- functions don't seem to be wrapped in any html element but in the editor it shows that styles are being applied. The problem is that when you get into a funky situation where the function is stuck in an H1 tag pressing Enter doesn't always break it out and sometimes in the editor it still shows as having an h1 applied to it but when you preview it, it is fine.
1) Most users expect that when they press "Enter" multiple times the spaces they see in the editor translate to new lines in the html -- so when they're done editing and preview they are confused when all the blank spaces are removed
2) Add a link -- then select btn primary & then btn large -- then select "none". Notice that btn-lg is still being applied to the element. There is no way to remove it. This scenario tends to happen a few times with other html elements.
3) Sometimes after setting up the page with an H1 + "Enter" + Function. When you come back to edit it later the "space" has been stripped so it's all on the same line.
4) Related to the above -- functions don't seem to be wrapped in any html element but in the editor it shows that styles are being applied. The problem is that when you get into a funky situation where the function is stuck in an H1 tag pressing Enter doesn't always break it out and sometimes in the editor it still shows as having an h1 applied to it but when you preview it, it is fine.