I have installed the News package on a new site running v4.1. I am needing to customize the package a bit.
I have everything done except I need to know how to add the correct widget element to the NewsItem.xml file. I have two additional fields I need to add to the NewsItems.xml
I have everything done except I need to know how to add the correct widget element to the NewsItem.xml file. I have two additional fields I need to add to the NewsItems.xml
- I need to add a <DataReferenceSelector /> to select a MediaFolder, the DataFolder field name is GallerFolder
I need to add a <KeySelector /> to select an MediaImage, the DataFolder field name is TeaserImage
<cms:formdefinition xmlns:cms="http://www.composite.net/ns/management/bindingforms/1.0" xmlns="http://www.composite.net/ns/management/bindingforms/std.ui.controls.lib/1.0" xmlns:f="http://www.composite.net/ns/management/bindingforms/std.function.lib/1.0">
<cms:binding name="Title" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="Date" type="System.DateTime" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="Teaser" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="YoutubeVideo" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="Description" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="TitleUrl" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:read source="Title" />
<PlaceHolder Label="Settings">
<TextBox Label="Title" Help="The title of the news item">
<cms:bind source="Title" />
<DateTimeSelector Label="Date" Help="The date of the news item">
<cms:bind source="Date" />
<TextArea Label="Teaser" Help="The short description of the news item">
<cms:bind source="Teaser" />
<TextBox Label="Youtube Video" Help="Insert Youtube Video">
<cms:bind source="YoutubeVideo" />
<DataReferenceSelector Label="Gallery Folder" Help="The date of the news item">
<cms:bind source="GalleryFolder" />
<XhtmlEditor Label="News Story" Help="News Story" ClassConfigurationName="common">
<cms:bind source="Description" />