New Post: Why is Composite c1 so outstanding in performance?
@mawtex, a blog post is a great idea, but I am unable to to do this at this moment. For one, my tests are quite preliminary for the purpose of general picture, not designed for serious tests and...
View ArticleNew Post: System.OutOfMemoryException while DataFacade.AddNew(file,...
i plan to import all news data from another cms, and write some code to do that,but occurs OutOfMemoryException [OutOfMemoryException: 引发类型为“System.OutOfMemoryException”的异常。]...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MS Graph not showing 3D in Composite C1 [1434]
MS Graph when placed inside an ascx page in Composite C1 page will not display in 3DComments: Not reproducible on the latest build (4.0).Please re-open the issue if it still occurs - with more specific...
View ArticleNew Post: Automatically deleted data won't disappear from the tree
wysocki wrote: Hi! Can I ask you a few questions please? I am trying to rerpoduce this issue.What is your Composite C1 version?Is the website SQL or XML based?Are you referring to Global data types?Are...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with jQuery script - but only when running in C1
Hi C1ers, I have a problem with the following jQuery script: The script is included in the template with the following...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with jQuery script - but only when running in C1
Hi guys, I've found the problem - had nothing to do with C1 :-) Thorsten
View ArticleNew Post: Razor and Captcha
In the end I decided not to bother with captcha itself and went with a simpler solution for my users. Instead of captcha I have a hidden form field whose value is the current date and time in encrypted...
View ArticleNew Post: Access to Static Data (Types) from xslt functions
When I create a dynamic data type (from the console) are automatically created xslt functions like Get_datatypename_Xml, which can be conveniently used in custom XSLT functions. These functions are not...
View ArticleNew Post: How do I omit the sitemap page from my top navigation
I am trying to add a page as a sitemap, but I dont want the page to appear in the top navigation menu. This occurs by default when a page is added to the root. Help is much appreciated. George.
View ArticleNew Post: Access to Static Data (Types) from xslt functions
Hi! They are automatically created for static data types. To ensure their automatic generation, you should:Add these attributes to your static data types:[RelevantToUserType("Developer")]...
View ArticleReviewed: Composite C1 4.0 Beta 2 (Mar 26, 2013)
Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - Loving the Razor implementation.
View ArticleNew Post: Composite C1 MvcPlayer render fails when containing a Url.Action...
Sorry, this is actually a duplicate of a question I asked in StackOverflow, but it looks like this discussions forum is far more active than the StackOverflow...
View ArticleNew Post: Composite C1 MvcPlayer render fails when containing a Url.Action...
The issue is that & is a reserved character in XML and you need to escape it like & Composite C1 treats everything internally as XML (unless you wrap it in a WebForms UserControl), so that's...
View ArticleNew Post: System.UnauthorizedAccessException when creating Global Data Type
Hi, I am trying to setup Composite C1(v4.0 beta2) at Surftown. I have almost managed to get everything working. The issue I have is when I am trying to create new Global Data Types, it fails with a...
View ArticleNew Post: Composite C1 MvcPlayer render fails when containing a Url.Action...
@burningice you are completely correct. Please see my stackoverflow edit:
View ArticleNew Post: Event subscriptions - best practices
static void DataEvents_OnStoreChanged(object sender, StoreEventArgs storeEventArgs) { if (!storeEventArgs.DataEventsFired) { // an external update event happened - DataEvents_OnBeforeAdd not fired //...
View ArticleNew Post: Best practices for escaping strings to be XML compliant.
Hi all; I am busy integrating an old MVC application into a Composite (version 4, beta 2) website. I have hit the initial "problem" of having & characters and such in my urls etc. @burningice was...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Visual Editor - select page type broken when zoomed [1439]
Hi,Steps to reproduce:1. Mozilla Firefox v 16.012. Open the Composite C1 console3. Press CTRL - to zoom out the browser4. In the Content Panel, right click a Page, select Edit Page5. Notice that the...
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