It writes this line every sec or so. If the intention is to write every time it syncs something back to the blob.(yes write back is enabled). Then that might account for it. But why would it write stuff back when the site is not being visited or changed ?
I have been away for a few hours now and it looks like it have slowed down abit. I enabled metrics on Azure and it tells me that it have used 100mb the last hour. (I still thing 100mb is abit large given the site properly havent been visited).
I will provided information as I find out more.
I have enabled minimal monitoring on storage blobs. Should be able to see if anything is pushed there for the following hours.
I checked that the server are not being restarted.
The logfile found in the deployment blob is at this point 289 kb. Does the log viewer download this every 10sec to show the lines? and does the server upload the hole file to the blob every thing it changes it? This could explain it.
200kb*6/min = 1mb/min = 100-150mb pr hour.
I cant find the location of the xml file to disable the logging?