I wanted to update my blog package.
Available Packages and installed it. It reported an error saying alot of files already exists.
The file 'C:\Resources\directory\86bdb233120d40838e15a51a2317bc96.WebRole.c1\www\00\Bin\CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll' already exists
Should i always remove old package before installing an updated one? And how can i resolve my problem right now?
I just noticed that my log file is also getting populated with lines:
Sampling failed for performance counter: .Net CLR Memory(_Global_) / .NET CLR Memory Value =
My setup is as follows:
Deployed one site with the azure packages:
Added two other sites by this guide: http://docs.composite.net/WindowsAzure/Setup/Multiple-Websites
To resolve my problem above. I removed the line with the failed site. When the logviewer told me it was completed, i added it again under a new localSubPath. It then re-downloaded the install files. (i manually removed the website folder from the blob such it took the backed up zip).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Websites><Websitename="sinno2201-website"localSubPath="07"blobContainerName="sinno2001-website"enableBlobWriteBacks="true"/><Websitename="gjeller2001-website"localSubPath="03"blobContainerName="gjellervand2001-website"enableBlobWriteBacks="true"/><Websitename="bent-website"localSubPath="02"blobContainerName="toemrer2001-website"enableBlobWriteBacks="true"/></Websites>
Are there easier ways to put a site back to an earlier backup?
Is it safe to go to the azure management site and tell the instance to recycle. (will all 3 sites be automatic set up again, or do i need to manually add the two sites once again as the first time?) (what happens if Azure automatic recycles the virtual machine?).