Hi there
I have attached my <GlobalSettingsProviderPlugins> from Composite.config after updating to the changes you mentioned. Unfortunately I can't remember all the steps leading up to the crash, all I can say is that I was experimenting in the console adding templates,
page types and pages for a few hours over a couple of days. I did export XML to SQl database with the Composite sql tools package. Wish I had logged everything now. Regarding the check in, I just downloaded the zip from Codeplex, initially just to have a look
at the application and never got round to connecting using SVN (maybe this is the first thing I should do now?) i made no other changes. I was experimenting using the basic Composite demo website. I did try upgrading from here:https://compositec1.codeplex.com/discussions/444081 as you suggested in an earlier discussion but I got the 'Package installation failed The package composite version requirements does not match
the current composite' error.↧