I assume that you are using the Composite.Lists.EventCalendar.Detail function to switch between list and detail views of events on a dedicated page.
I assume that you are using the Composite.Lists.EventCalendar.Detail function to switch between list and detail views of events on a dedicated page.
- Functions perspective > XSLT Functions
- Edit this function.
Right after the variables declarations add two more variables:
<xsl:param name="EventTitle" select="/in:inputs/in:result[@name='GetEventCalendarXml']/EventCalendar[@Id=$DateView]/@Title" />
<xsl:param name="EventDescription" select="/in:inputs/in:result[@name='GetEventCalendarXml']/EventCalendar[@Id=$DateView]/@ShortDescription" />
Within the <head/> element add this markup:
<xsl:if test="$DateView!=''">
<title><xsl:value-of select="$EventTitle"/></title>
<meta name="description" content="{$EventDescription}"/>
I took the liberty of customizing the code: using the title of a single event as the title of the page and the event's short description as the page's meta description./Vitaly