Hey out there
I have some trouble figure out, what i'm meaby doing wrong or if there is at bug :-)
My site have 2 Languages Danish and Greenlandic, as your can se in the code below, i'm asking for languages there is not current language.
(var cultures = provider.GetRootNodes().Where(n => n.Culture.Name != CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name).Select(n => n.Culture); )
When i asking the CompositeC1SiteMapProvider to FindSiteMapNodeFromKey, i'm getting current language
( var node = provider.FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(currentID, ci); )
Should'n i get a different language, so in this case i actully getting danish SiteMapNode on the danish site :-(
As i understanding it, when i asking on FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(string key, CultureInfo culture)
Should'n i get a SiteMapNode in different languages then current ?
// Allan
I have some trouble figure out, what i'm meaby doing wrong or if there is at bug :-)
My site have 2 Languages Danish and Greenlandic, as your can se in the code below, i'm asking for languages there is not current language.
(var cultures = provider.GetRootNodes().Where(n => n.Culture.Name != CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name).Select(n => n.Culture); )
When i asking the CompositeC1SiteMapProvider to FindSiteMapNodeFromKey, i'm getting current language
( var node = provider.FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(currentID, ci); )
Should'n i get a different language, so in this case i actully getting danish SiteMapNode on the danish site :-(
protected IEnumerable<CompositeC1SiteMapNode> GetLanguageNodes()
var currentID = SiteMap.CurrentNode.Key;
var rootID = SiteMap.RootNode.Key;
var provider = (CompositeC1SiteMapProvider)SiteMap.Provider;
var cultures = provider.GetRootNodes().Where(n => n.Culture.Name != CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name).Select(n => n.Culture);
foreach (var ci in cultures)
var node = provider.FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(currentID, ci);
if (node == null)
node = provider.FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(rootID, ci);
yield return (CompositeC1SiteMapNode)node;
protected string getLanguageName(CompositeC1SiteMapNode node)
switch (node.Culture.Name)
case "kl-GL": return "Kalaallisut";
case "da-DK": return "Dansk";
return node.Culture.NativeName;
I have searching around in Composite C1 source, but can't figure out what todohttp://compositec1.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/23701#312877
As i understanding it, when i asking on FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(string key, CultureInfo culture)
Should'n i get a SiteMapNode in different languages then current ?
// Allan