In 'Composite\scripts\source\top\ui\bindings\buttons\ButtonBinding.js' the image property is copied from the button to the label. This will result in the icon render two times.
I modified the 'ButtonBinding.prototype.setImage' method to remove the image property from the button and have it only on the label:
In 'Composite\scripts\source\top\ui\bindings\buttons\ButtonBinding.js' the image property is copied from the button to the label. This will result in the icon render two times.
I modified the 'ButtonBinding.prototype.setImage' method to remove the image property from the button and have it only on the label:
ButtonBinding.prototype.setImage = function ( image ) {
if (this.isAttached) {
else {
this.setProperty("image", image);
I also modified the masterfilter.xsl so the '${icon' modification will only leave the resourcename:<xsl:template match="ui:*/@image|@image-hover|@image-disabled">
<xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:when test="contains(.,'${icon:')">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(., '${icon:'), '}')" />
<xsl:value-of select="." />