Please help solve the problem.
Get a date from the SQL, I want to put it in a more readable form.
The dates in the table contains different, but the derivation for the entire table is one and the same date. With XSLT very little sign.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Please help solve the problem.
Get a date from the SQL, I want to put it in a more readable form.
The dates in the table contains different, but the derivation for the entire table is one and the same date. With XSLT very little sign.
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:df = "#dateExtensions" version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
exclude-result-prefixes="xsl in lang f">
<xsl:template match="/">
<table border="1">
<tr align="center"><td><b>Публикация</b></td><td><b>Подписка</b></td><td><b>Ошибок</b></td><td><b>Последняя успешная</b></td></tr>
<xsl:apply-templates select="/in:inputs/in:result[@name='ReportBadReplication']/root/NewDataSet/Table"/>
<xsl:template match="/in:inputs/in:result[@name='ReportBadReplication']/root/NewDataSet/Table">
<td width="230"><xsl:value-of select="NamePub"/></td>
<td width="160"><xsl:value-of select="NameSub"/></td>
<td width="80" align="center"><xsl:value-of select="ReplBad"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="df:ShortDateFormat(/in:inputs/in:result[@name='ReportBadReplication']/root/NewDataSet/Table/ReplDateGood)"/> <xsl:value-of select="df:ShortTimeFormat(/in:inputs/in:result[@name='ReportBadReplication']/root/NewDataSet/Table/ReplDateGood)"/></td>
Input:<in:inputs xmlns:in="http://www.composite.net/ns/transformation/input/1.0">
<!-- Function call result 'DateFormatting' has been registered as an Xslt Entension Object. -->
<!-- Extension methods can be called using the namespace '#dateExtensions'. -->
<!-- The following methods exist: -->
<!-- String ns:Now() -->
<!-- String ns:LongDateFormat(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- String ns:LongTimeFormat(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- String ns:ShortDateFormat(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- String ns:ShortTimeFormat(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- Int32 ns:Day(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- Int32 ns:Month(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- Int32 ns:Year(String xmlFormattedDate) -->
<!-- String ns:LongMonthName(Int32 monthNumber) -->
<!-- String ns:ShortMonthName(Int32 monthNumber) -->
<!-- String ns:Format(String xmlFormattedDate, String DateFormat) -->
<!-- Function Call Result (5 ms), XPath /in:inputs/in:result[@name='ReportBadReplication']/root -->
<in:result name="ReportBadReplication">
<root xmlns="">
Result:<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<table border="1">
<tr align="center">
<b>Последняя успешная</b>
<td width="230">RedCup_pub</td>
<td width="160">pos3</td>
<td width="80" align="center">156</td>
<td>31.08.2014 21:56</td>
<td width="230">RedCup_pub</td>
<td width="160">unit164</td>
<td width="80" align="center">156</td>
<td>31.08.2014 21:56</td>
I know that's not right, something pointed out, but I do not know that for sure. Thanks in advance for your help.