Argh, sorry Napernik, false positive.
The issue persists. I thought it was fixed because when I first deleted my Composite.Generated.dll I had to comment out a call to a custom type which I had added to Page.aspx.cs. As soon as I uncommented it the same exception as above ("Invalid column name 'CultureName'.") occurred.
I have a custom type, with the following definition within Composite.Generated.dll -
There are database tables for this type - one for each language. The original (i.e. prior to the 4.2 upgrade), had the following structure:
Any ideas?
The issue persists. I thought it was fixed because when I first deleted my Composite.Generated.dll I had to comment out a call to a custom type which I had added to Page.aspx.cs. As soon as I uncommented it the same exception as above ("Invalid column name 'CultureName'.") occurred.
I have a custom type, with the following definition within Composite.Generated.dll -
using Composite.Core.WebClient.Renderings.Data;
using Composite.Data;
using Composite.Data.Hierarchy;
using Composite.Data.Hierarchy.DataAncestorProviders;
using Composite.Data.ProcessControlled;
using Composite.Data.Validation.Validators;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators;
using System;
namespace MyCompaniesName
[KeyTemplatedXhtmlRenderer(XhtmlRenderingType.Embedable, "<span>{label}</span>"), AutoUpdateble, CodeGenerated, DataScope("public"), DataAncestorProvider(typeof(NoAncestorDataAncestorProvider)), ImmutableTypeId("7df1dddd-ff52-4900-8e4e-48d0810c5aa5"), LabelPropertyName("Theme"), RelevantToUserType("Developer"), Title("Page Theme Settings")]
public interface IPageThemeSettings : ILocalizedControlled, IPageMetaData, IPageData, IPublishControlled, IProcessControlled, IData
[DefaultFieldStringValue(""), FieldPosition(0), ImmutableFieldId("c98535ec-c24c-4da3-bbf7-09c09f0625d3"), StoreFieldType(PhysicalStoreFieldType.String, 64), StringSizeValidator(0, 64), NotNullValidator]
string Theme
In Page.aspx.cs I make a call to get the 'Theme' configured for a page and then do some stuff with this information.There are database tables for this type - one for each language. The original (i.e. prior to the 4.2 upgrade), had the following structure:
<cms:binding name="Theme" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="PublicationStatus" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="CultureName" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="SourceCultureName" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="Id" type="System.Guid" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="PageId" type="System.Guid" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="FieldName" type="System.String" optional="true" />
It now has this structure:<cms:bindings>
<cms:binding name="Theme" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="PublicationStatus" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="SourceCultureName" type="System.String" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="Id" type="System.Guid" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="PageId" type="System.Guid" optional="true" />
<cms:binding name="FieldName" type="System.String" optional="true" />
The CultureName column was removed by the Update41.aspx page that was provided with the update. But somehow this column seems to be a requirement when I try to access this data type on my website.Any ideas?