The easiest way to make a C1 site permanently fail with no way of automatic recovery is to delete a file from ~/App_Data/Composite/DataStores or even just empty the file or delete a table from database when running in SQL Mode.
This is a complete brain fart since there is NO reason why C1 should be rendered unfunctional because of this. Simply just recreate the file/table. The system has all the necessary information to do it, and if the file is missing, either because of corruption, user error or intentionally there is no way to recover the data anyway and therefor no sane argument for not recreating empty files/tables so the system keep functioning.
I can easily list the first handful discussions on this topic which would never had caused anyone any headaches if this feature had been in place (,%20is%20an%20invalid%20character)
Comments: XML file corruption issue seems to be fixed since 4.0.
This is a complete brain fart since there is NO reason why C1 should be rendered unfunctional because of this. Simply just recreate the file/table. The system has all the necessary information to do it, and if the file is missing, either because of corruption, user error or intentionally there is no way to recover the data anyway and therefor no sane argument for not recreating empty files/tables so the system keep functioning.
I can easily list the first handful discussions on this topic which would never had caused anyone any headaches if this feature had been in place (,%20is%20an%20invalid%20character)
Comments: XML file corruption issue seems to be fixed since 4.0.