Upgrade steps for Bootstrap 2 -> Boostrap 3 starter site convertion:
1. Download and complete installation of Composite C1 4.1, choose Razor page template if original site is in uses Razor page templates, and Master page templates otherwise.
That installation will be used as a source of new template files.
2. Delete old page template features and copy the new ones (re-apply custom changes if any):
3. Copy and replace page templates (re-apply custom changes if any):
4. Copy and replace the following files defining razor functions:
5. Styles:
Copy and replace:
6. Scripts
Delete and copy ~/Frontend/Composite/Media/BootstrapCarousel
Delete ~/Frontend/Scripts/libs/bootstrap/2.3.1
Copy ~/Frontend/Scripts/libs/bootstrap/3.0.0
7. Less compiler
Log in to C1 console, uninstall locally installed package "Composite.Web.Css.Less"
Install a newer version from /Available packages/Composite.Web/Composite.Web.Css.Less
8. Content
In C1 console, Edit "Sitemap" page, remove Composite.Navigation.LevelSitemap function and insert "Composite.Navigation.Sitemap" instead
1. Download and complete installation of Composite C1 4.1, choose Razor page template if original site is in uses Razor page templates, and Master page templates otherwise.
That installation will be used as a source of new template files.
2. Delete old page template features and copy the new ones (re-apply custom changes if any):
3. Copy and replace page templates (re-apply custom changes if any):
4. Copy and replace the following files defining razor functions:
5. Styles:
Copy and replace:
6. Scripts
Delete and copy ~/Frontend/Composite/Media/BootstrapCarousel
Delete ~/Frontend/Scripts/libs/bootstrap/2.3.1
Copy ~/Frontend/Scripts/libs/bootstrap/3.0.0
7. Less compiler
Log in to C1 console, uninstall locally installed package "Composite.Web.Css.Less"
Install a newer version from /Available packages/Composite.Web/Composite.Web.Css.Less
8. Content
In C1 console, Edit "Sitemap" page, remove Composite.Navigation.LevelSitemap function and insert "Composite.Navigation.Sitemap" instead