1.) I converted the web project into a web app but the app_data and app_code folders are still in the solution and code in there is compiled.
2.) I am using MVCPlayer and I have 2 controller in App_Code because that was the only place I could make it work.
3.) The controllers use Nhibernate for data access.
4.) I created a Global Type through the C1 console and when saving the type I got the error.
5.) I moved the controllers out of app_code and I could create the the Global type, but the controllers weren't found.
5.a) Thinking it was a problem with the MVC route I implemented a Customer Controller Factory but found that the (Controller) type wasn't found.
6.) I moved the controller into a seperate class project but same thing....
7.) I used JustDecompile to look at the assembly and the controllers weren't in the assembly.... scratching head.
8.) Then I realised the the 2 .cs files for the controllers had compile action set to "content" which works fine when they are in app_code but not when they are not.
9.) Changed compile action to "compile" and all is good. Took a whole day to work that one out.
I followed the steps on HolisticWare to convert from web project to web application project and it works but I still think that the solution is a hybrid now.
Would you agree, because the files under /Composite are still compiled as individual assemblies and the APP_DATA and APP_CODE folders still seem to be required.
Thanks for following up.
Been reading your posts on codeplex for a while. I have use N2 on a previous project but I find C1 so much better and I am going through the process of learning about C1.
Kind Regards,
Rainer Wollgarten.